

海外教育中心在这里为你提供支持,帮助学生规划一个学期的海外生活.  首先,学生可以:

  • 参观 海外教育中心 in Dewey Hall
  • 安排约会 有留学顾问
  • 参加一般情况介绍会



Either semester junior year or first semester of your senior year; a number of programs are open to sophomores. Study abroad is not permitted in the final semester.

You may study abroad for a maximum of two semesters. You may also consider combining your time abroad with the “五位澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计划”.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的某些课程允许其他年级的学生参加. 大多数暑期留学项目接受学生在完成第一年后的申请. 转学生必须在出国留学之前在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场完成至少一个全日制学期. 同样的, 非活跃学生或退学学生必须在出国留学前至少返回一个学期.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的某些课程允许其他年级的学生参加. 这些包括:

  • University of Cologne Exchange in Germany allows 初中 和 seniors
  • Jagiellonian University, in Krakow, Pol和, 让二年级的学生, 初中, 和 seniors
  • 布劳德大学交换生, 在Karmiel, 以色列, 让二年级的学生, 初中, 工程和计算机科学专业
  • Rochester in Arezzo, Italy, 让二年级的学生, 初中, seniors
  • Uppsala University Exchange in Sweden 让二年级的学生, 初中, seniors
  • Meiji Gakuin Exchange in Japan 让二年级的学生, 初中



It’s possible to earn credits toward your Rochester degree in over 100 countries! Some are more appropriate than others for what you want to study. 的 publications of the Institute for International Education (including 海外学年 和 短期留学)—available in the 海外教育中心—are indexed by subjects, so you can find out what is available 和 where.

例如,如果你对戏剧艺术感兴趣,法国和英国提供最多的戏剧课程. 另一方面,经济学和政治学课程几乎到处都有. 如果你想学习科学或工程, 你的选择将更加有限, 但仍有很多机会.

另一个流行的资源是 www.studyabroad.com.



是的,海外教育项目需要你获得你所在学校的批准. You obtain Rochester approval by submitting an application through the 海外教育门户网站.

尽量减少健康和safety风险, 所有前往高风险目的地参加学校赞助或支持的项目或活动的学生必须在出发前获得学校的特别许可. 有关定义、时间表和流程的更多信息,请参见全球参与办公室的 旅游点评 页面.


Do I have to know a foreign language to study abroad?

No. We currently offer a number of study abroad programs in English-speaking countries. 除了, 在其他许多英语不是母语的地方也有英语课程. 与瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)和开罗美国大学(American University)的交流项目就是用英语提供科学课程的两个例子.

If you’re interested in learning a foreign language or brushing up on your skills, Rochester offers numerous courses 和 programs. 参观 外语 页面提供的语言的完整列表.


How do I know if I have enough of a foreign language background for a program?

语言要求差别很大. Some programs require no prior experience 和 offer introductory language courses. 另一些人则希望熟悉一些. “一年的德语学习”是指相当于GER 101和102:初级德语I和II, 即使是在高中时拍的. “四个学期的法语”意味着你应该修完相当于法语101、102、151和152的课程. “五个学期”会假设你也修过高级语言或文学课程.

项目 are flexible; if you are a native speaker or have practical exposure to the language without formal study, 你可能符合要求. 底线是:你将有机会在大多数项目的指导中温习语言技能. Don't pass up a program because you think you're not good at languages. 大多数人发现在语境中学习语言和在课堂环境中学习语言是非常不同的.


How will study abroad fit into my four years at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场?

教师 和 study abroad advisors will help you. 大多数出国的学生都是大三学生, 但对于一些大四第一学期或大二第二学期的学生来说,出国留学可能是一个不错的选择.

Know before you leave where you st和 in terms of credit hours 和 course requirements. 在国外的时候,你不一定只需要修专业或辅修课程. 如果你仔细计划, you may be able to study something completely different on your study abroad program. 的 就业中心工作人员 can offer advice about how a term abroad fits in with your long-range goals.

Some undergraduate programs cannot easily include a semester abroad, 所以你可能需要考虑其他选择, 比如暑假出国留学或者 “五位澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计划”.


What is required for education abroad pre-departure?

All students who plan on going abroad will be required to complete the 离岗前方向 found in their application in the 海外教育门户网站 prior to departure. 在线演示将包括一系列针对澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的视频, 财务状况, 健康, safety, 和 cross-cultural matters in an interactive format.  



是的, 前提是你已经仔细计划了你的项目,并在你离开澳门威尼斯人网上赌场之前获得了批准. For major or departmental credit, see your faculty advisor. For elective credit, consult with a study abroad advisor.

Sometimes you will find that course offerings have changed when you arrive abroad. 虽然这很少引起问题, promptly notify both your faculty advisor 和 the 海外教育中心. 留学生不得超载或超载.


How will study abroad affect my plans to go to medical school?

出国留学可以为你提供一个全球视野,这对你在医疗行业的职业生涯是无价的, 和 it will distinguish you from other medical school applicants.

如果你想在完成本科学位后立即进入医学院, plan to study abroad no later than the fall of your junior year. 这将让你有时间准备MCATs,并在你从国外回来后完成医学院的申请.

Keep in mind that if you plan to attend medical school in the United States, some schools expect that all your core pre-med coursework will be taken in the US. 一定要咨询医生 卫生专业顾问 在你大一或大二的时候.



是的. 你将需要与国外教育顾问和访问协调员见面 残疾人资源办公室 讨论一下你需要什么样的住宿条件.


Can I study abroad if I am planning to be an RA?

住宿生活办公室要求所有RA候选人在成为RA之前完成一门辅助专业咨询课程. If your study abroad plans would cause you to miss this course, you should make arrangements to complete the course in an earlier semester. 这需要提前做好计划,比如在大二的时候修这门课.

如果你已经被批准为RA,并在RA期间被批准出国学习, the Office for Residential Life can usually make arrangements to fill your place.


Can study abroad be part of the “五位澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计划”?

是的. “五位澳门威尼斯人网上赌场计划”允许学生在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场多学习一个学期或一年, 免学费, 围绕某一特定主题学习一系列课程,以丰富知识. 的 Take 5 program covers tuition costs only for a study abroad program. 学生 are financially responsible for the required accommodation fee.

If the focus of the Take Five Program lends itself to study abroad, then you may propose to include a semester or even a full year abroad. 早期计划是必不可少的,因为出国留学应该在你的第五年之前完成. 在你制定"五分钟休息"计划的时候, attend a Take Five information session 和 consult with the Take Five项目顾问 在大学咨询服务中心工作.


Can I take a Leave of Absence 和 study abroad?

No. 学生 who study abroad 和 want to transfer credit must be on 留学现状 不能申请休假.


Can I talk to students who have already studied abroad?

是的! 留学同伴顾问是在国外学习过的学生,他们渴望与感兴趣的学生交谈. 的y are a good source of information on budgets, classes, traveling abroad, 和 more.


If I am an international student, can I still study abroad?

是的. 请记住,非美国公民的签证和移民要求可能会有所不同. You should consult the appropriate consulates 和 embassies as soon as possible. 你还需要和一个人讨论你的计划 国际学生顾问.



你每天的自付费用可能比澳门威尼斯人网上赌场一个典型的学期要高或低得多. 尽管如此, 你在国外一个学期的花费和你在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场一个学期的花费差不多. Be aware that daily costs of living are much higher in places such as London 和 Paris. 看到 财政的页面 了解更多信息.



许多留学目的地提供了一个和在美国学习一样safety的环境. 不过, all students should be aware of the cross-cultural implications of their actions, since certain behaviors acceptable at home might be offensive, 颠覆性的, 或者其他地方不safety. 在你的培训期间, 您的项目主管将为您提供有关个人safety的基本信息. 

另外, 所有学生在旅行前应使用 Worldcue规划师 工具(需要网号). 

For specific 健康 和 safety questions or concerns, contact Alan Ryon (travelsecurity@courtsidecafe.net), the Manager for International Travel 和 Security in the 全球参与办公室.
