Types of Programs

students abroad on faculty led programs

海外教育中心的工作人员愿意帮助您规划您的海外项目.  当你开始计划你的项目时,有几种不同的教师主导或有组织的项目模式. 以下是一些如何将海外教育项目纳入你的部门产品的例子.

罗彻斯特项目被定义为由罗彻斯特大学的教师或工作人员指导或组织的海外教育项目,他们可能会或可能不会陪同学生出国. May include service, research, internship, specialty, 和/或学术课程的组成部分,作为这一经历的一部分.   下面的列表包含了一些过去程序模型的示例. 

Past Program Models

Program Name

Arezzo: Lisio Italian Studies Program (Department of Modern Languages and Culture)

Spring semester program, Arezzo, Italy 

该计划在意大利提供了一个独特的学术课程,结合了广泛的学科. Beyond the academics, 该项目在意大利丰富的社会结构中促进了密集的文化体验, especially in Tuscany.

Archaeological Research Program at Chavin de Huantar (Department of Religion and Classics)

Summer program, 7 weeks, Chavin de Huantar, Peru

该项目为学生提供了在查文进行考古领域和实验室方法培训的机会, including excavation techniques, field documentation, photogammetry, artifact identification and processing, database creation, and artifact analysis.

Archeology of Early America (Department of History)

Spring Break, 7 days, Bermuda

This program is offered as part of a Spring course. Students use the island of Bermuda as a test site, 在春假期间,他们在社区合作伙伴关系中挖掘树干岛的遗址,应用澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和方法的理论理解.


Spring Break, 7 days, Greece

This program is offered during Spring Break. 该课程利用雅典过去的物质遗迹,为学生提供雅典历史和人民文化的动手介绍, ancient and contemporary.  Includes visits to museums and archaeological sites.


Summer, 3 weeks, Italy 

该项目提供了意大利中世纪文化和艺术的正式指导,特别是历史, history of art and architecture, history of the manuscript, early printed book, and communication media-, 纸质作品(手稿)的保存和修复, drawings, prints, ancient books), and digital technologies for cultural heritage.


Summer, 6 weeks, Ghana

该项目是加纳的一所多学科实地学校,专注于系统测量, digital reconstructions, and structural analysis of Elmina Castle. 

Experience Guinea: Exploration in Drumming, Dance, 和历史背景(舞蹈和运动项目)

Winter Break, 3 weeks, Guinea

节目指导将包括鼓手和舞者的节奏基础,并将建立djembe的知识, dundun, sangban, kenkeni, Krins和bell以及它们在音乐和舞蹈中的文化用途. Students will learn style, form, technique, 以及在几内亚充满活力的文化和景观中舞蹈的历史背景


Summer, 4 weeks, Rennes, France

法语在法国是一个为期一个月的对话和文化课程,在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的布列塔尼姐妹城市举行, Rennes. 学生们在巴黎会面,接受澳门威尼斯人网上赌场项目主任为期几天的培训,然后一起前往雷恩. Students are hosted by families who provide housing, meals, and opportunities for language and culture encounters


Summer, 4 weeks, Paris France

为聋人和听力大学水平的美国手语学生和专业人士提供独特的法国留学体验. 学生将有机会在不同的环境中沉浸在法语手语和法语聋人社区中,并进一步了解国际聋人世界.


Summer, 4 weeks, Berlin, Germany


Students will experience the excitement of Berlin, 它是德国的历史中心,也是德国统一后的首都. Students will devote time to German language classes and individual work; weekends are free for exploring and for excursions to Dresden, Potsdam, and Baltic seashore.


Summer, 4 weeks, Procida, Italy

This program is focused on service learning. 学生们和他们的意大利同行一起在岛上和地中海海岸的可持续社会花园中分成小组. 正式的意大利语教学和文化游览将构成该计划文化能力部分的基本部分.


Summer, 4 weeks, St. Petersburg, Russia

这个课程的重点是俄罗斯的语言和文化. Petersburg, Russia. 语法、会话和文化课程侧重于实用的语言技能. Excursion includes in and around St. Petersburg, including a weekend trip to Moscow.


Summer, 4 weeks, Torano di Borgorose, Italy

该课程旨在教授学生考古领域和实验室方法以及古意大利考古学. It is taught on site in central Italy, 学生通过实验室在圣马力诺遗址挖掘的第一手经验来学习, lecture, readings, and archeological site visits.

 Interested in learning more? Attend a future workshop!