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JobLink for Employers

学生就业办公室维护着一个名为JobLink的在线系统,可以将你与校园里的学生雇员联系起来. Through JobLink, you be able to:

  • Post a job
  • Confirm if a student has an I-9 on file
  • Complete the WTPA
  • See students’ Federal Work Study Awards
  • Review payroll schedules, by academic year
  • 访问学生就业手册和JobLink雇主用户手册

请注意,只有录取和访问或交换学生可以访问JobLink,并可以通过学生就业工作. 请联系您的人力资源业务合作伙伴.

JobLink tutorials

In addition to the processes outlined below, 登入后,你亦可浏览雇主主屏幕上的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》.

How to log in to JobLink
  1. Log in to HRMS.
  2. Click on JobLink.
  3. From the home screen select On Campus Employers.
  4. Enter your NetID and password for Duo authentication.
  5. If you are new to the system, select Request Login. Requesting a login requires using a URID (eight digits).

Note: Students access JobLink through their Blackboard account.

How to post a job
  1. 在校园雇主主界面,选择“工作管理登录”. This will bring you to your department’s control panel.
  2. Select Add a New Job.
  3. Choose the appropriate job type from the drop down. (See the wages and job classifications page 有关确定适当的工作族、类别和级别的信息.)
  4. 用所需的信息完成职位描述模板. Any fields denoted with an asterisk are required fields.
  5. 添加与职位相关的工作具体问题和/或补充问题.
  6. Choose when the job should be listed for students to apply. Jobs must be posted for a minimum of seven calendar days.
  7. 该工作将出现在控制面板上的Pending Approval部分,直到学生就业部门批准为止.
How to edit a job
  1. 您可以通过点击job Title链接查看职位和/或申请细节或要求更改职位状态.
  2. 要编辑作业,请单击“管理作业”页面上的“编辑此作业”链接.
  3. 要编辑与作业绑定的应用程序,请单击“编辑”或“查看在线应用程序”.

作业状态:Active-Listed, Active-Not -Listed, Inactive[隐藏/显示]

There are three job statuses in JobLink;

  • Active- Listed 表示该职位是活跃的,并发布给学生查看和申请. Departments must list jobs for a minimum of seven days.
  • Active – Not Listed 在职位列表到期,雇主准备好审查简历并招聘员工后自动发生. Not Listed is no longer posted and students can no longer apply.
  • Inactive 工作不张贴,并移到存储,所有的申请材料被删除.
Managing applicants
  1. 点击申请人姓名链接以获得申请人信息的全屏视图, or hover over the magnifying glass to get a quick view.
  2. Click the Resume link to view the document in a new window.

部门可以通过JobLink联系候选人并拒绝申请. It is best practice to contact all applicants.

Hiring an employee
  1. Click App# link from the job list on the control panel. Select Hire Applicant from the Actions drop down.
  2. From the next screen, the employee’s name and URID will appear. Click Check Employee ID.
  3. This will bring you to the validation screen, which will show the student’s FWS award, the status of their I-9, completion of the Confidentiality Training, etc.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Complete the Hire Request Form.
  6. 招聘申请将被发送给学生就业部门审批,并将暂停,直到学生完成所有先决条件.
  7. 一旦学生能够工作,将发送确认电子邮件.


  • 该作业的帐号(FAO)必须包含两个大写字母前缀和六位数字(e.g., OP123456). 不要在字母和数字之间输入空格或连字符. 您不需要输入支出类别,因为这些是由Payroll分配的.
  • Once submitted, you cannot edit this information. 如果你需要更新,请联系学生就业办公室.
  • If information is incorrect or incomplete, you will be notified. This can delay the processing of the hire.
WTPA requirements

根据纽约州劳动法第195(1)条,所有澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的员工必须完成工资盗窃预防法案(WTPA)的流程. 这个过程包括通知和确认员工的工资率和指定发薪日, hourly rate, plus overtime, 以及由雇员向雇主确认其主要语言. 雇主必须通知雇员他们的工资率, overtime rate, and designated pay day in their primary language, if their primary language is one of the following: Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish, Russian, or Spanish.

学生和雇主将通过电子邮件收到完成WTPA要求的通知. 学生需要登录到JobLink并填写必要的表格. If a student’s primary language is not English, 各院系必须与学生一起填写一份WTPA文件,并将其发送到我们的办公室. 这些表单可以在JobLink主页上的表单信息中找到.

Pending status for hire requests

A pending status in JobLink can mean several things:

  • A student is missing an I-9.
    • 使用Supervisor Search Student在JobLink的JobX选项卡中查看学生的I-9.
    • 请注意,从I-9申请到JobLink可能需要三天的时间.
  • 学生还没有完成他们的WTPA或错过的膳食确认.
    • 租用请求者可以在JobX选项卡下的hire Requests下查看每个租用的WTPA.
How to terminate a student

Once a position is complete (e.g., student graduates, assignment ends, 学生辞职)所有雇主都需要终止其学生,将其从人力资源管理系统中删除.


Terminations should be submitted when a student graduates, takes a leave of absence, studies abroad, etc. 当学生返回大学时,可以提交重新聘用表格.

How to rehire a student

学生可以在不创建新职位的情况下被重新雇用到以前的职位. 重新雇用表格可以在雇主主页的表格部分找到. 请确保在表格上包括工作ID和学生的uri.

How to change an account number (FAO)

To change the account number (FAO) for your student employee(s), submit an Account Change Form to our office. The forms are in the Forms and Information section in JobLink. 账户变更只能对当前和未来的工资期生效.

How to check student hires

每个部门都可以而且应该定期检查他们的雇员,以确保结束日期是准确的. There are two easy ways to do this:

  • Use the Hire Archive. 此功能位于JobLink的Access和Audit选项卡下. Employers can search by student, by job number, etc. Using the Hire Archive will also display the FAO, supervisor, timekeeper, and all the other details listed on the hire.
  • Pull a report. This feature is located under the Reporting Tab in JobLink. 雇主可以获取所有雇员的完整报告,包括活跃和不活跃的雇员. The reports will show students, job numbers, start and end dates.

If you need to make updates to your hires, 提交一份重新聘用表格,或将更新后的信息发送给我们, i.e. end dates, FAO’s, etc. Please note, 国际学生的工作授权是由他们的I-9上的日期决定的,可能需要在工作延长之前进行验证.

You can also use HRMS to check your hires. 有许多报告可以提供从计时到工资单摘要的大量信息.

需要知道你的学生的年级,I-9,和培训信息? Use the Supervisor Search Student feature under the JobX Tab.

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